All tagged transactions

How SegWit Can Ease Your Transaction Pain.

The time for transactions to go through has been considered one of Bitcoin’s most discussed flaws. If you wish to have your transaction go through quickly you’ll have to pay higher fees. Nevertheless, SegWit came with another solution to these scaling problems. The name SegWit stands for Segregated Witness and is a process where signature data is removed from the transaction data which makes it possible to add more transactions into one block.

Tired of Overpaying Transaction Fees?

For those of us who have traded with Bitcoin, transaction fees are nothing new. Actually, one of the most common questions in the crypto community is the one about the ideal transaction fees. Not too surprising. When making a transaction you should want to know how much that will actually disappear from your account. Furthermore, it is more or less human nature that you would want the extra fees to be as low as possible. That’s why we have added some features to our COINiD Wallet that can help you with this; transaction batching and smart fee estimation.